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Casthouse Safety, sharing responsibility.

Safety effects all of us, not only in our chosen profession but also in our every day lives.

We need to respect ourselves, our friends and colleagues, our clients / visitors, management and of course the place of work.

We should be strong enough in character to STOP anyone from doing unsafe acts.

This is our obligation not only to our colleagues but to their families and loved ones and we should expect the same.

In 2021 recent reports have stated that there were 140 explosion incidents reported in the sector of Aluminium Production.

This has continued a downward trend in reported incidents over the previous 4 years. In 2021, total incidents are lower than the historically high number of incidents (170 – 195) reported between 2016 and 2018!

There were 116 Force 1 explosions, 23 Force 2 explosions and one Force 3 explosion reported in 2021. Compared to 2020, Force 2 explosions increased from 12 to 23, while the Force 1 explosions decreased from 134 to 116.

One Force 3 incident has been reported each of the last three years.

Sadly, these numbers look to be only the tip of the iceberg and it could be suggested that the reporting could be as low as only 5% of the actual number of incidents and accidents. Although this can not be confirmed.

The major and avoidable risks in an aluminium casthouse are unquestionably the following.

(1) Mobile equipment & coactivity.

(2) Hot metal / burns.

(3) Explosions (Force 1-3).

Others exist and should also be addressed such as :

Chemicals, Slips trips and falls, Hand / finger Injuries, Dust and fume and the maintenance activities of Working at height, confined spaces and hot works (Welding, burning, lancing etc).


Many thanks for taking the time to read this blog, please feel free to share with your friends and colleagues. has over 25 years experience in training and coaching safety in the casting environment with several presentations, videos and real life examples to share with your management and process operatives to increase their awareness and support a reduction in LTI's and 'god forbid' serious injury.

Should you still require further help on this particular subject reach out and please contact :


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