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Satisfying your Customer

The annual Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS), is a time proven critical feedback methodology to understand your customers and, if constructed correctly, what they actually think about your team, organization or the services your company can offer.

From this feedback, you can formulate and implement corrective plans which will recover otherwise missed opportunities, reassuring your clients that you take their feedback seriously and further develop bonds and hopefully returning business.

The Feedback from customers is one of the key requirements from your ISO9001 standard to demonstrate continual improvement within your Quality Management System (QMS).

Sadly not all surveys are well received from the customer. They are often poorly constructed, repetitive, often sent at the wrong time or worse never seen to be acted upon year after year thus creating an often hidden from you 'what’s the point' internal response and therefore never returning a completed survey with what could have been missing valuable information.

The survey method we at ALBERG employ is very different to the one I’m sure you have seen or used in the past. We consider representative 'real' important data and take samples from personal interviews with your key accounts. We ask relevant questions not for the sake but which add value to you and your customer. We focus on benchmarking and comparing your data with competitors and current market standards. We would also request that you perform a self assessment and reflect internally how you think you could do better with anonymous surveys taken in your own business environment.

Finally we consider the price and the customers perception of value for money, after all that’s generally one critical requirement which brings your customer back year on year.

Using our standard basic method you will see after some time how your business can actively 'listen' and corrects itself organically. The next CSS building on the previous one and so on with the results from feedback demonstrating this continous improvement path and growth.

For more information contact us :

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