ALBERG can help your business in al aspects of Technical Support.
We can offer help with alloy development and selection, material testing, inclusion identification and claims / concern management.

Metallurgical Support
Correct alloying is key to a happy customer. With tolerance control sometimes influencing the final product and application its imperative to ensure your alloy selection, supplier, aims and charging practices are robust.
OES measurements and Stand Operating Procedures enable reproducibility and maintain a composition CpK at a level you and the client requires.
Post treatment techniques such as annealing and homogenisation are something we can also help you with.
Product Deviations
Its a fact that we all have experienced product deviations, concession requests and sadly claims.
How you respond shows your strength and commitment to the customer.
ALBERG can help identify root causes in the Physical, Chemical or Metallurgical form and assist in the post analysis and eradication.
Experts at compositional analysis, trace element sourcing, inclusion detection and identification, we can help to resolve your issues.
Tools of the Trade
We have knowledge of most of the industrial tools to 'measure' your products and use the data for SPC analysis using Minitab.
LiMCA, PoDFA, AlSCAN, H-mat, Prefil, IA500, ARL 4460 Spectrometers, LIMS, to name a few.
ALBERG has access to laboratories to perform both macro and micro analysis on your products as a third party offering if required.